» Remarks of Group Executive Director on Project Singing Ceremony

Remarks of Moab Merid, Group Executive Director of Infra Group during the Project singing ceremony of Acquisition of Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) Co Ltd and Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), equity totaling 47pc of Habesha Cement SC (HCSCo) for 21 million dollars.

Habesha Cement Share Company held at Hilton Hotel.

Your Excellences; Honorable Guest
To our partners
The Executive Management of Both
The Pretoria Portland cement, and
The Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa
Ladies & Gentlemen
Before I start the keynote speech
May I call of all US as of today The Family of Habesha; “This will be the tone of my speech
What we are witnessing today in front of GOD and you “the Habesha Family” is a culmination of a journey with a bloom that started as seed vision by three gentlemen who bestowed their life in serving our country;
1.    Eng. Gizaw T/Mariam
2.    Eng. Mesfin Abi
3.    Ato Eskinder Desta
It is a seed vision with an ethos to use:-
•    Their GOD given ability,
•    Experience in their professional world attained in serving their country,
•    The respect and trust that the general public has to their best A N D honorably
Using these founding ethos with a promise to share the fruit that will blossom from common shared seed vision.

AND HERE TODAY In the Midst of YOU I make this statement
To give the honor and thanks first to our almighty ‘cause he made it all possible and chose these gentlemen as his servant to realize his vision for our country.
It is time to thank GOD as he started and made it all possible through his grace.
No OTHER Gift or Gratitude is greater than thanking these gentlemen in the name of GOD and May GOD Bless you in leaps and bounds.
So this journey required convincing many fellow country men and women with a promise of a fruit from that seed vision.
A seed vision with AN enormous undertaking
by any measure seen in the private sector endeavor;
in every sense in our nation’s history.
An undertaking that required a combination of courage, determination, wisdom and grace on one hand
On the other a strategy, unity in purposeness, team building and perseverance.
These three become sixty founding members and the sixty evolved over sixteen hundred today.  And Hence we ALL became part of that seed vision of Habesha Family ethos and what you are witnessing today is the FLOWER that bloomed from that seed vision.
The Vision started shining from the Eastern part of Africa glowed to the four corners of our world.  AND TODAY The Habesha Family extends from the Americas on to Europe and from the Far East to the Southern tip of our great continent.
In this respect the culmination of the vision that shone from Ethiopia; here we see the crowning moment or the icing on the cake with the joining of the two of our continents premier giants in their respective fields by becoming part of the Habesha Family.
These are the Pretoria Portland Cement and The Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa
PPC has over hundred years of wealth of experience in the cement and aggregate industry. A highly respected ethical company listed in Joberg Stock Exchange known from its fairness and CSR.  It is one of the leaders in cement with a number of common shared vision and values of Habesha.
We are grateful for sharing our belief, vision and indeed it is an honor to gain such a trust from an established institution such as PPC.
PERSONAL Thank you
Koos, Peter Eystherhusen, Paul Marie and Above all no least than the CEO PAUL Stuvier
IDC is a premier development financial institution with one of its mandates to promote development in the rest of Africa. Habesha has now become as the first equity partner in Ethiopia with IDC; after passing through the meticulous process of IDC’s criteria in flying colors.
PERSONAL Thank you
Thokoane Tsolo, PhiweMarumo, Mary Wamaitha, David Halloway, Neil Grobelar, and many more
The discussion, negations and due diligence would not have been successful with these institutions had it not been for the best project proposal. It goes without saying we have seen the best of Ethiopian intellectual caliber from technologist to geologist, from Market analysts to financial analysts, and from legal experts to Project Managers.
Yechenat the Habesha Lege.
Through the Grace of GOD, we have become the nation’s biggest

  • Share holding company by subscribers number,
    •    Private share company that was positively considered for the largest project loan from DBE 1.5 Billion Birr
    •    A multinational and truly transnational company
    •    An Exemplary Wealth Creating Company for the greater Mass

For everyone one of us that become part of this family the burden of realizing this vision was enormous. The public bestowed us with a huge responsibility and trust to deliver in the promise that was envisioned as seed.
Personally when the chairman made a point to me the hope and expectation in realizing this vision in the last twelve month was shouldered on to me personally and our company, it was a task too big to shoulder on.
What a huge responsibility to shoulder on in addition to my personal life of getting married to a lovely supporting wife, and seeing the coming of a beautiful baby girl.
Believe me I had my roller coasters, the highs and the lows, the ups and downs, the anguish and setbacks, challenges and frustration and battles to be won before the final victory but we persevered with faith, courage, and hope.
As the Great Sir Winston Churchill said “This is the Finest Hour”   when victory was to prevail after a long arduous battle;
AND for us Indeed
“ This is Habesha’s finest hour”
Finally, So what shall we say for my fellow Habesha family members;
Since GOD is with us; he made it possible for all of us to share this vision with confidence
In THEGOD we trust;
We have done the talk; it is now the finest hour to deliver the fruit of victory that blossomed today by commissioning and starting operation in early 2014.
The wheel of development for this mystic , ancient & proud person of a country called HABESA has started turning in the right direction at long last.
Habesha will make its small modest contribution for our country’s development.
Habesha to be a role model for our people of what can be achieved in earnest if we join hands together in unity.

For more information contact:

Corporate Communication Officer-Infra Group
Email: pr@infragroup.net